Saturday 9 March 2013


Lots of frogs in the pond, making a lovely sound which you can hear on this dark video. Cassie loves the frog time of year, and brings them in to play with. Poor frogs. I usually pick them up in my hands to take them back to the pond, but the other night had frog fright and had to use a lunchbox. I hope the forecast cold weather doesn't do them too much harm. 

The other sound is rain.


Leenie said...

Love the froggy sounds and the rain sounds. Thanks! Most of the water around here is in canals. And I think all the frogs have been killed off by pesticides so no croaky singing. >8(

The photos are fun as well. I can see why Cassie would be fascinated by them.

Rattling On said...

More snow here, so my frogs are still sensibly in the mud at the bottom of the pond!Looks more like winter here than spring...

Jenny Woolf said...

I love the pictures. I like to think of creatures getting on with their lives alongside us.